
An image of a WordPress blog post displayed on a laptop screen.
Blog Post
Duane Epperly

The Ultimate Guide to Creating WordPress Blog Posts

Discover the power of WordPress by learning how to create your own WordPress blog. Whether you’re looking to create a personal blog or monetize your blog, with our easy-to-follow beginner’s guide your site visitors can easily interact with your new content.

A man sitting on the ground next to a WordPress-themed smartphone with a rocket on it.
Duane Epperly

Solidify Your Web Presence with WordPress

Are you looking to create a strong and professional web presence? WordPress is the perfect platform to do just that. With its easy-to-use interface and expansive capabilities, WordPress is one of the most popular and powerful content management systems available. Whether you’re creating a website for your business, portfolio, or blog, WordPress can help you communicate your message effectively and solidify your online presence.

A man is standing next to a padlocked phone in a client portal.
Client Portal
Duane Epperly

Streamlining Communication and Improving Customer Relationships: The Advantages of Using a Client Portal

As businesses navigate the ever-changing digital landscape, many are finding that client portals can offer significant advantages in terms of streamlining workflows and boosting productivity. By providing a secure, centralized hub for communication, document sharing, and other business transactions, client portals can transform the way businesses interact with their clients. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the key benefits of integrating a client portal into your business operations, and how it can help you deliver more efficient, effective service to your clients. Whether you’re a small business or a large corporation, understanding the advantages of client portals is essential for staying competitive in today’s fast-paced business environment. So let’s dive in and see how client portals can benefit your business!

A woman is developing a Blazor application using WebAssembly at her desk with two monitors in front of her.
Duane Epperly

Blazor and WebAssembly: A Revolutionary Way to Build Web Applications

Web development has come a long way since the early days of the internet. With advancements in technology, developers now have a variety of tools at their disposal to build fast, responsive, and secure web applications. One of the most exciting tools to emerge in recent years is Blazor and WebAssembly, which allows developers to build web applications using C# and run them directly in the browser.

A purple background showcasing a Progressive Web App.
Progressive Web App
Duane Epperly

The advantages of creating a progressive web app for mobile devices.

A progressive web app (PWA) is a type of mobile application that can be accessed through a web browser, without the need for downloading and installing it from an app store. PWAs provide a native app-like experience, combining the benefits of both websites and mobile apps. With the growing use of mobile devices, creating a progressive web app has become an increasingly popular option for businesses looking to reach their customers on the go.

A group of people working on a computer screen to enhance your online presence powered by Wordpress.
Duane Epperly

Why your SMBs online presence should be powered by WordPress

Businesses nowadays can’t do much without having some sort of online presence, at the bare minimum that should include a functional, user-friendly, and on-brand website. While there are numerous content management systems out there, there are many reasons why you should ignore the others and utilize WordPress.

Male advisor on laptop screen. Vector illustration isolated on white background. Flat cartoon style design.
Virtual CIO
Duane Epperly

Understanding the Role of a Virtual CIO

The term virtual CIO is one that you may have heard in recent years. However, if you have yet to investigate how it could help your business, you may not know just how important a concept is for the modern workplace. In the following post, we will highlight exactly what a virtual CIO is and its role to help you appreciate its value for your business.

Business communication concept. Group of employees discussing idea at table. Brainstorming and company development, directors council or analytical department. Cartoon flat vector illustration
Virtual IT Service
Duane Epperly

The advantages of collaborating with

The only constant in Information Technology is that everything changes, nothing stays the same. This constant can cause problems for small to medium size businesses in that they have to maintain a staff dedicated to monitoring and adapting to this ever changing technological landscape.